Great to have you here!


We have a meeting place where students from all corners of the university come together. We are united by the desire for community, discussion and living our christian faith.


Everyone is welcome in our group! No matter what your background is and what you believe. Feel free to join our weekly meetings. Most of us also speak English or another language. Surely there will be other international students who you can connect to. We are looking forward to meet you!


We are currently around 40 students from all disciplines, come from different churches and communities and want our fellow students to hear about the gospel. 


Where do you find us?


We meet every Tuesday at 7:45pm here: Koksche Str. 74, Osnabrück




Contact us!


Starting your studies abroad is challenging. We are more than happy to help you! Contact us via instagram and mail (smd-osnabrueck@gmx.de)!



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Discover Germany with us!


SMD regularily offers events for internationals. Check it out!